Posted on March 04 2018
Darling All
Baroque Rocks has a spring in its step as Spring is most definitely in the air! We can feel her swirling in our bones, and no that is not the gout! She is fighting an ardent battle though, against the Beast from the East cum that Stormtrooper Emma! This meeting of stormy minds has resulted in snow, a glamour whiteout which unleashes the snow queen in us all! We decide that we are Vogue’s answer to a lustily sought out fashion treasure! We take to parading around in an abundance of fur, along with lashings of Aquamarines (March’s birthstone)! And why not? We would love to bedeck you in those fabulous frosty gems, so you too can croon like Queen Elsa: “The cold never bothered me anyway!” whilst basking in the glow of frozen assets and pretending you don’t know every word to “Let it Go!”

All mothers, will most definitely have been subjected to Frozen. FACT! That film made a whopping $1.276 billion. Disney ought to be thanking Mothers globally for their servitude! But it is not just Disney who ought to be fervently expressing gratitude but also your good selves, gals and chaps alike, as Mothering Sunday is literally upon us: 11th March! Take note!
Mothering Sunday is a centuries old British tradition and always falls on the fourth
Sunday (Laetare Sunday) of Lent, precisely three weeks before Easter Sunday! The “Mother” was a euphemism for the church and on Laetare it was known as to go “a mothering.” Tradition has carried forth, children give presents and flowers to the various womenfolk of the family. Those who choose to give something up for Lent, normally opt for chocolate or Gin, mother’s ruin and all that, except perhaps Hendricks and Sipsmith (they just make you feel fabulous). So, when you go “agifting” for Mothering Sunday do pen a note to self: abstain from waist enhancers opting instead for sensational sparkles, like some finely sourced jewels from that masterful company Baroque Rocks, known for its deliciously discerning taste…..

Now, if you haven’t taken heed of our gentle reminder about the fast impending, Mothering Sunday, we warn you, you will be literally sent to join Kafka’s Penal Colony! Thankfully though, our American cousins, galloped to the rescue! They celebrate a veritably modernist tradition “Mother’s Day”, lobbied for by the women’s activist, Anna Jarvis and later proclaimed a holiday by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914. It falls on the second Sunday in May (13th May this year). Wilson decreed Mother’s Day to be “as a public expression of love and reverence for the mothers of our country.” Mothers were given cards, presents and flowers and the Carnation became synonymous from 1925 with Mother’s Day, so like Woodrow Wilson, Baroque Rocks can gallop to the rescue, should you have missedMothering Sunday, with a 1977 Deacon and Francis Gold Carnation pendant…..

Mothering Sunday and Mother’s Day are nowadays one and the same, celebrating the women in one’s life. So, to the Matriarchs of the family a heartfelt enormous, thank you and you know just: “Do it, Take your Mama out all night! So, she’ll have no doubt that we’re doing oh the best we can…” (Scissor Sisters "Take your Mama" 2010)
With love from Emma and the Baroque Rocks Team
(who can't wait to be taken out all night by their offspring!)