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The Kitchen Disco Edit

Posted on June 15 2020

Baroque Rocks

The Kitchen Disco Edit
'Good As Hell'


Darling All 

Though our Social June Diary is off to a sluggish start with the subtleties of ‘Staying Alert,’ we still have our Covid-caveat in place, which is to administer the desirable dosage of dazzlers, blended Nutri Bullet style with some ‘Good As Hell’ Kitchen Disco Beats!!

Gold Glorious Gold: 1973 Hairbrush, Mirror & Comb Pendant
Click to feel "Good As Hell"

And whilst we wait for the salons to re-open “I do my hair toss, check my nails” and realise that the hair necessities in life are a 1970s gold brush, comb and mirror!  Worn layered up on a gold chain for a serious breath of fresh hair……………’How’z’ that for a balayage of pure platinum puns??

Swizzle Stick and Bottle Opener
Click to get "Happy!"

Whilst our Kitchen Disco Beats are fromage on toast, the golden sprinkles are a side serving of pure zany funk!!  Grab yourself a tipple, stirring it up with this sensational Swizzle Stick or open a bottle of Corona / Chateau Neuf with this gold corkscrew!!  The former works, whilst the latter is for adornment ‘purps.’ only.  Style by threading them onto differing necklace lengths and bar tend ‘yo’self’!

Large Button Earrings
Click to "Push It!"

Relaxed?  Now is the time to work on your ear party!  Everyday vinyl-esque hoops – for the budding disc jockeys amongst you!  Or if you are needing more of a gold infusion what about these oversized button beauties for the comforting pull of Nineties nostalgia – go on Push It!

Click to "Get Lucky!"
Spirit lifting shot of shiny luck anyone?   Then, let us introduce Les Talismans de Baroque Rocks: an artfully articulated amulet of pescatarian awe or the Corncicello (who wouldn’t want a dosage of Italian horn – preferable to the clap!?).  And as serendipity would have it, we have various other good luck treasures in our trove!
Ring Collection at Baroque Rocks
Click to "Want to Want Me"
Missing the manicure?  Our Kitchen Disco sure does fuel a fertile imagination: behold an Asparagus ring stack!!!  Finger food, to elevate the mundane, not to mention one’s green credentials!!!  Perfect for the ultimate funktastic bon vivant!!
Necklace Collection
Click to "Remember Me!"

Finally, now that the house party has the bassline pumping, with the household grooving and glittering, grab yourself a tambourine!!  Preferably a gold one with snazzy snares and the immortal words IBIZA emblazoned!!  Yes, Cinderella you shall go back to that sun-soaked, hedonistic, play pen and shine at the Closing Parties!!!  But only if you can scat to Gold-gol-gol, gol – gold in your dance trance!!  Who’s coming?

So here is to blue sky thinking layered over a rock-solid gold beat!!!  It’s all about the aesthetics economy my magpies!!  The bejewelled wardrobe remix that’s the driving rhythm to invest now and show off later! Simples!  

Stay safe, stay sane, stay sparkling! 

With love from Emma and the Baroque Rocks Team 

PS If you like what you read and it brings you a smile, please do share with friends! 

PPS: If you Click on the playlists below it will take you to Spotify; (alternatively you can hear our banging tunes here on YouTube).

Alpha Beats by Baroque Rocks

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