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The Mad as March Hares Edit

Posted on March 26 2020

Baroque Rocks

The Mad as March Hares Edit:
'Spendantly' Charmed

Darling All

Whilst we are doing our bit to curb this horrific contagion in isolation, we are committed to providing our readership with some light sparkling relief in the form of rockingly ridiculous content, especially when there is a run on the loo roll!!!

Herewith, our March Edit which shines a spotlight on some splendid Pendants and Charms to leave one ‘Spendantly Charmed.’  So, if tiny pleasures be the food of love read on!

Mad as a March Hare!

Spring has sprung and as you know Baroque Rocks delights in being “Mad as March Hares!”  We have the proof in the so-called pudding, as we’ve seemingly just pulled a jack-rabbit out of the hat for you!!!  Yup, we have found a Golden Hare!!! A solitary mammal from the Animalia kingdom, representing our new status: grounded until further notice!!

Click to become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

Click to become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

And just like one of Aesops fables, we even have an artfully articulated Esio Trot.  Go on admit it, how many of you knew that ‘Esio Trot’ is Tortoise spelt backwards?  Having admitted one’s exceptional intelligence, do perhaps indulge in some deep breathing, channelling your inner Turtle Power!  This little chap represents wisdom, knowledge and the ability to defend itself on its own!

Gold Duck

Click to restore sanity!

With these spurious ‘Wild Thoughts’ percolating, if the feathered variety of wildlife is more your thing, we have ‘Three Little Birds’ which are seriously fly!  A 1970s Duck to drive you positively Quackers!

1930s Golden Pheasant

Click to become seriously fly

A 1930s Golden Pheasant to prove you are from the Manor Born or one could even wear it to an audition of Downton Abbey!  Highly paid extra!


Click to get your Penguin fix!

And a Penguin….do pick up a P P P Penguin – just not the chocolate variety!  Anyway, let us digress from David Attenborough’s favourite subject and fantasize instead about a Spring Fling and a dazzling dose of sunshine!!!

1990s Gold Vespa

Click for the ride of your life!

Picture yourself scooting around the island on a 1990s gold Vespa, the island could well be a Caribbean one as you stop to pick up a Conch shell, a golden 1960s one a la Mustique style.  You park your ride under a palm tree and skip off into the waves to dance with golden seahorses!  Wearing theses treasures, good fortune is sure to shine down on you!

Click for sunshine!

Click for sunshine!

Snapping ourselves out of our sunny reverie, we come to the end of our charm led piffle – perfect pieces to finish any outfit!!!  It really is all about the detail, not to mention having fun styling it up indoors!! 

Over and out for now!
With love from Emma and the Baroque Rocks Team

PS: If isolation is driving you “Mad as March Hares” - play Baroque Rock’s Spring Beats super loudly and give your vocal chords a helluva work out!!

PPS: Do download AdblockPlus so you get seamless tunes!!

Spring Beats by BR

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